Tuesday, November 17, 2009

uh, oh...

It appears I have been challenged.
Just one lousy post and I already have two comments and one of them's a follower already.
Carolina is from almost halfway around the world. She has been a bit under the weather really messed up with Lyme Disease, which you get from tick bites. I do hope you are feeling better, Carolina. I look forward to the posts and the pictures on your blog.

Initially, I was intending for this to be a graphic rather than prosaic, but I realize my limitations and fully understand that I have no idea what prosaic really means. I do know that my thought process requires much stimulation and that I am reactive rather than active. Hence my reticence in starting a blog. This may be the longest post anyone ever sees here.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that I missed this. Must have been the Lyme. I blame everything on the Lyme, so it has been good for something.
    I've been enjoying your non-prosaic(?) posts. Nice and short ;-)


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?