Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Just take it and quit grumbling

There were some thoughts of photoshopping this to some of the pix you put up on that other blog you write, Jim


  1. Do you know what you're in for? I suppose you do. You seem too intelligent to NOT know. OK, Bub. You asked for it. The early days - but not TOO early - of 2010 will feature an Ivan skewering over at my place. See you then! Bring a change of underwear.

  2. Yeah, I thought you'd like it.
    Did I mention that I'm a sh*# disturber?

  3. You have been filleted. Not as vicious a barbecuing as I've sometimes done, but there it is!

  4. Nice job without much ammo.
    You probably could have made stuff up and nobody, even me, would have been any the wiser.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?