Sunday, January 17, 2010

Did anyone?

I hear that there are still some football games being played in the NFL. Does anyone know who's playing?
Do you care?
Didja watch any of the games?

Me neither. Gotta save up the excitement for baseball... right?


  1. Spring training in 6 weeks, can I get a Hell Yeah?!

  2. As soon as the Saints have gone as far as they can (all the way, maybe?) I'll be up for some baseball.

  3. @Apryl - why is it that there's always someone who knows when Spring training starts? Besides if you're really, really hankering for some baseball, the colleges are just about to begin.

    @is that a booking number or a cell number - I think that if I had to pick a team to back, the Saints would be it because they haven't been yet.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?