Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I am so sorry

Here I've been stalking Suldog for months and only just today when he went off on Knucklehead did I realize that I hadn't made that connection helps him figure out how many scalps he's collected. Ironically he went off on me, too, but have you ever tried to hit smoke with anything? Anyway I am now officially "following" Suldog. It's probably the least I could do.


  1. Well that will teach you to run around yelling "Release the Kraken!" in a crowded blog. Or something of that nature.

    Pillaging? Looting? Well done. Now to truly reek havoc you must study fire breathing, and Tokyo stomping.

    That and trying to fashion things from dryer lint also comes in handy.

  2. I think maybe I have been releasing the Krakens for far too long. Worse, they're like toothpaste, once out they can't be put back.
    Came close to Tokyo stomping... made it as far as Yokohama. Never even considered fire breathing.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?