Friday, January 29, 2010

Please define the following:


  1. Agmemic: The sounds an anorexic makes

    Bervashi: A fat man from Bangladesh who likes porn

    Hemonmaa: What a young child screams when they really really want something from their mother yet their wails become indecipherable

    Vitedo: The Walmart Nintendo, not the Wii, but original blow on the cartridge to get the game to work kind from the 80's

    Yereret: Redneck speak for "Are we there yet"

  2. @ Apryl - I see you put a lot of thought into that.

  3. Agmemic ~ Ambivalent about memos

    Apart from that I'm stuck. I did notice bervashi is an anagram of 'Herb Visa' though. Now there's a coincidence

  4. @UG - if everyone who read the post put of at least one, I'd be ecstatic.
    Anagrams are good.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?