Saturday, January 2, 2010

So I posted a comment

I was stalking another blog and decided to post some words of wisdom which were just a tad contrary to the post. After I clicked on Publish the verification word came up as stomp. Then the message was that my comment would appear after approval.
I wonder what that means?


  1. For me personally, I felt the need to approve comments before posting them because I received an abusive comment. Negative stuff 'aint cool, knowwhutimean? :) It's nothing personal. Well, unless you are that one person.

  2. TGK - about abusive as I get is in handing out unsolicited advice... or awards

    Carolina - ALWAYS!

  3. I can handle that!!! Hahaha. :) Besides, I believe my little stalker, abusive diva is finally tired of harassing me. Whoohoo!


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?