Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The chance of a lifetime

Whatever you do, don't miss this opportunity to Stump the Chump.
Fellow blogger... and follower of this blog... Suldog has offered to give advice on any subject your heart may desire. He will post his answers on Monday, April 5. At least that's what he says.
I have already emailed my question to him. I forget what it was. So his answer will be a double surprise for me.
Your question may be either emailed to or, as he put it, you can post it in the comments at Dear Poochie.
Then, if you really like the answer he gives, you can present him with an award. He loves awards.


  1. IT, if I wasn't a gentleman, I'd use coarse language to tell you off.

  2. Oh, wait a minute. I'm NOT a gentleman.

    Fuck off, you half-brother to a sloth (and, just to be clear, I apologize to any sloths who might be reading.)

  3. You should apologize to my half-sisters, too... and probably their other half-brother.

    I don't know what you're upset about. I'm not giving you any more awards.

  4. Perhaps your problem is loss of memory ;-)


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?