Saturday, July 17, 2010

A little behind

Use them wisely

There's a whole pile of these sitting in the storage facility and Friday's post over on Workforced reminded me how important it is to relieve pressure. I mean even if I were to post one each day, I would run out of room in the storage facility before I ever posted all of them.


  1. I think my scrom hurts from looking at all these.
    Have a good weekend, IT!

  2. When he begrotted his ansplin, he was clearly feroushed and cried unmgqdd! Fortunely the untalue in the form of an improlux ritie to do a farpri ricatia was only a spitend away. So with a mafenced holboti he returned home and his wife never noticed the scrom. The lucky wedoz!


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?