Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dona Nobis Pacem

Found the idea here and the explanation here.

It beats having to come up with something original


  1. Wishing you - and the rest of us too - peace and serenity...

  2. I’m trying to work my way through the Peace Globe Mr Linky on Mimi’s.

    Peace to you and yours. :)

  3. Whoa! Lookit all the new commenters... and Sully.

    @ Akelamalu - my Hawaiian name is Okole Maluna.

  4. Awesome. I LOVE the SHHHHHHHH - what better way to achieve world peace? Maybe next year's movement can be five minutes of silence everywhere on earth!!!! hee hee. Good one.

  5. If we'd all just hush for awhile things would be better. I couldn't have not said it better myself.....did you get that?

    Thank you for blogging for peace and making these lovely peace globes. They are #1900 and #1901 in the Official Pece Globe Gallery at

  6. *whisper* what you have on your second Peaceglobe is something I try to live by (strangely, the first time I've seen it on my Blogblast for Peace round!)

    Wishing you and yours peace, harmony and happiness x

  7. @ Mimi - Thanks
    @ Annelisa - Peace, harmony, and happiness are found within. The Serenity Prayer helps to find them.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?