Monday, May 16, 2011

Blogger got creative

While they were on hiatus last week Blogger came up with some add-ons for some of the labels we bloggers may (it's our choice) use for posts. Some bloggers actually use them to sort and index their posts, others, who shall remain nameless, to editorialize, still others to credit where they've obtained the material they've used in a post.
So if you've read this far, you might wonder what the heck this is all about. Look below the post, where the really fine print is, where it says labels. That's where the labels with the add-ons are.

It's really too darn bad that Blogger can't find all of the posts they lost!


  1. I only WISH I had used labels when I began. Now it's a bee-yotch of galactic proportions to find anything at EIP. I HATE that.

  2. Yeah, my labels got a little screwy after the blooger thing.

    The other thing that sucked was right before it went down, I'd change some of the website design, added facebook "like" buttons, etc... Had to put them all back in again after everything came back up!

  3. Matt - that's what happened... We were bloogered


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?