Wednesday, August 24, 2011

As mentioned previously...


This isn't exactly current any longer... and here's a quote from the Washington Post:
The first warnings of the earthquake may have occurred at the National Zoo, where officials said some animals seemed to feel it coming before people did. The red ruffed lemurs began “alarm calling” a full 15 minutes before the quake hit, zoo spokeswoman Pamela Baker-Masson said. In the Great Ape House, Iris, an orangutan, let out a guttural holler 10 seconds before keepers felt the quake. The flamingos huddled together in the water seconds before people felt the rumbling. The rheas got excited. And the hooded mergansers — a kind of duck — dashed for the safety of the water.

Oh! About the previous post: it's unfortunate the hat was empty.

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Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?