Friday, August 26, 2011

Click the links

So it looks like Mother Nature is unleashing her fury over on the other side of the country. First there was that li'l shakeup* that had folks near the capital changing their underwear. Now, she's sending a major in that direction, wreaking havoc along the way.

I like to think of Mother Nature as a benevolent entity. She does, after all, have some really superior qualities. It really too bad that she has to remind us occasionally just who's in control.

*Trust me it wasn't no big deal. I've seen and felt what the real things do (1971, 1989, 1994).


  1. I was in the San Fernando quake, as well. But I was out in the Mojave, in Boron. It was scary as all get-out, since you don't know if you're right on top of a small one or somewhat removed from the Mom O' All Quakes. What was worse was ALL the El-Eh teevee and radio stations were off the air for about 15 to 20 minutes after it hit, so we (the ex- and I) had no way of knowing how bad it was or where it was. We both had family in the LA area at the time...

  2. The fringes are bad enough. About the only thing worse than participating is knowing someone who has and not being able to reach them.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?