Saturday, October 1, 2011

Shoebox doesn't post on weekends


Reporter 1, on the recent changes and mergers newspapers: “Well, we are owned by the second biggest newspaper conglomerate in the country.”
Reporter 2: “Pff. That’s like owning a sack of pennies.”


Editor: “There are so many ways this headline could have gone badly. I’m glad it was just dumb.”


Meteorologist in regards to a county sheriff setting off the tornado sirens: “People need to head to the basement, not Facebook, in these situations.”


Sports editor: “Don’t talk to me about the Red Sox. My kids didn’t know the F-word before last night.”



  1. I'm glad I (a) am not a big bezbol fan and (b) don't live in Bawston. I get enough pain by bein' a Wings fan.

  2. I was introduced to both baseball and football at a very early age. I had only heard of hockey before the winter of 1958-59, when they finally showed a few games from the NHL on national TV to see if maybe some interest could be promoted for the Olympic hockey games at Squaw Valley. Then, of course, the U.S. team did more than anyone else to help it along. There was immediate interest in California and the Western Hockey League established teams in LA (Blades) and SF (Seals). Those Seals eventually became an NHL team and, after a couple of years playing in Oakland, moved to Cleveland. I still enjoy watching hockey, but really don't have much in the way of a favorite team.
    Basketball is much the same. I do follow the Warriors, but not avidly. I'd rather see a college basketball game and I could care less about national championships. I do like the length of the college season, though.
    I am currently taking delight in the fact that the 49ers are leading the Western Division of the NFL. The team really showed a lot of character today.

    I'm hoping Jim Sullivan doesn't think that last quote was a dig. I copied it verbatim from the blog

  3. Ah, I learned many a new word sitting at My Father's side during sporting contests.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?