Monday, December 5, 2011

I will refrain from commenting...


Story here

Any comment I make is better left to the imagination of those who know me and my quirky thoughts about certain drivers.
This story bears evidence that my thoughts may not be far from true fact


  1. Considering the high price tags on these cars, this looks like an expensive pile up.

  2. My ex bro in law is Japanese, his second wife was Mexican, he said his kids were screwed they could hot wire a car but they couldn't drive it.

  3. Stephen - I can't reply to your comment without saying something completely against my principle of keep off color language away from this blog.

    Madge - "ex bro in law's second wife" had me rofl

  4. Film at 11:00...

  5. Robyn - you, too

    Buck - that makes about as much sense as anything :-)


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?