Wednesday, January 25, 2012

American Idol?

The most popular post on this blog is almost two years old. It still gets as many views in a week as all of the others combined.



  1. Maybe I'm just being dense, but where is this two year old post that's so popular? Did you re-post it in front of my face and I just can't see it?

  2. Looks like a teas to me. He's probably trying to stoke up some pageviews?

  3. Saw him do a couple of lines of an Al Green song the other day. He actually pulled it off rather well. Yeah, get that two-year-old posting up here - I would like to see what all the ruckus is about. Great to be here again. EFH

  4. I know what you mean. I still get more hits on "Co-Ed Naked Snow Jogging" than any other piece I've done, and it doesn't even have illustrations.

  5. I gotta take issue with ya, EFH: Al Green he is NOT. Al Green was entertaining, Obama just makes me lose my lunch.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?