Friday, March 9, 2012


Except for the fact I was on the West Coast, this could've easily been yours truly.

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Here's the full version from the original broadcast. It's about a half hour long (and I didn't watch the whole thing)

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

So... only a few things have changed


  1. I enjoyed watching this time capsule from another era. I would have been ten years old at the time, but I can remember some of this.

  2. Wait a minnit! Drinkin' beer and dancin' aren't "overly esthetic activities?" Makes one wonder WHY Huntley-Brinkley were so damned popular. I was a Cronkite guy, myself. Until I wasn't.

    I WILL give him some small amount o' credit for the Twist, though. We looked pretty stoopid doin' that.

  3. I'm almost sorry I missed the early 60s
    Well, I didn't exactly miss them so much as I was sidelined because of other things I was doing
    ...saved my efforts for the second half of the decade, when I got out of the Navy

    1. That second half was a whole other story.
      1962 was pretty exciting and from there on out the decade was something else.

      I wanna say where were you in '62?

    2. I'm not Skip, nor do I play him on teevee, but I was in SoCal... Torrance, to be specific... in 1962. Playin' a surfer, but not on teevee.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?