Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Who's sorry now

So Google did a doodle for Bob Moog's birthday.
That inspired me to write an original toon.
Be warned, I am not a professional musician.
I'm not even an amateur musician.
Just click on the image to hear it.


  1. Well, congratulations! That is quite possibly the second-most annoying song ever! The MOST annoying is one I wrote (which I will NOT favor you with, thanks for asking.)

  2. Not bad, actually... no matter WHAT Jim sez.

  3. Maybe I heard the wrong song? Maybe my clicking onto it somehow resulted in me getting something else? Seriously, I wouldn't want to insult you unduly. Do you have an mp3 you could send me, just so I can verify?


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?