Monday, September 10, 2012

All I see are $ floating off into the distance for now

I'm curious about what the Red Sox record has been since that big deal with L.A.


  1. The Red Sox record? Not good. I was offered tickets to this Thursday's Sox - Yankees game. I turned them down. That's how not good they are right now.

  2. I should add, though, that I loved the trade. Getting rid of Beckett was the best thing the club has done in four years. The guy is an absolute churl with no regard whatsoever for the fans.

    1. What I meant was the actual won-loss record... so a comparison could be made to the Dodger's won-loss record over the same time period
      I finally went and looked
      The conclusion I draw is the Dodgers were only looking to increase their payroll, not improve the team


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?