Sunday, April 21, 2013

How many of us felt about the news this week

Thanks to a much better blogger than I for the clip...
...and the laugh


  1. Get used to it because is part of America now. As we knew it would be.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  2. Yeah, just add a "Make it stop!!" Thanks, IT.

    Be well.


  3. I had a similar sentiment that I posted on F/B last week.

    Sometimes I wonder if we don't need to have freedom from the press, particularly when they stretch out a story into Never Never Land.

  4. Too funny and so glad I have cable, I watch very little news :)

  5. Yes, that about summed up the past week. Didn't help that they caught the bomber about two miles from my sister's house. It was a tense day/week. Thanks for the laugh to lighten it up somewhat.

  6. Sometimes I wonder if we don't need to have freedom from the press, particularly when they stretch out a story into Never Never Land. >>> This is basically what my comment was going to say. Basically.

  7. Heh. That clip was too funny... it's also too bad life doesn't work that way. It costs more than a quarter to put the genie back in the bottle.

  8. I had totally forgotten that scene. Hilarious!


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?