Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Okay... what's next

I thinks it's kiss a giant spider or somethin'
Where'd I leave my cheat sheet?
Okay... eleven random facts about myself
  1. My name isn't really IT(aka Ivan Toblog)
  2. There are at least two other bloggers who know who I really am (and still talk to me anyway)
  3. I started this thing because just commenting on other blogs didn't seem fair and, besides, an outlet for my sometimes bizarre outpourings was needed
  4. I have lived in California since it had a lower population than Pennsylvania
    ...sometime back in the first half of the last century
  5.  Old, normal, always and never are words I really, really try to avoid using... along with profanity

Well, tomorrow's another day


  1. You live in California too. I'm so sorry about that. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    I had a feeling that wasn't your name.

    My name really is Sandee.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  2. My name is really Buck.

    Wait. No it's not... that's my nickname.

    You're getting a LOT o' milage outta this.

  3. "Old, normal, always and never are words I really, really try to avoid using... along with profanity"

    That's a good practice
    Old is relative
    So's normal
    The other two can turn you into a liar real quick


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?