Saturday, May 18, 2013

So I looked at what's next

It's the thankless part of this award stuff
I have to nominate five pigeons bloggers

It's a given that I have to nominate Suldog
That's because he deserves to take another shot at me now that he knows me better
Then I might as well nominate the Ol' AF Sarge
The Cranky Old Man gets nominated
Ooh, yeah, and Buck gets it because the other three are here
I was gonna nominate Uncle Skip, but he's got a full plate right now
So we'll ask for volunteers

Now I'm supposed to ask the nominees 11 questions
Unlike the Daft Scots Lass I can count that high
My problem is I don't have the kind of imaginations that can come up with that many really good questions
  1. when did you realize you were no longer a child ?
  2. do you think it's necessary to shave every day ?
  3. indoor sports or outdoor sports ?
  4. Memphis, KC, or the Carolinas for barbecue ?
  5. Dinner or Supper ?
  6. Favorite movie ?
  7. Ideal vacation ?
And because I got a break y'all get a break
You can choose to create your own next four questions or stop there.

Just grab the icon at the top left of this blog
Or take this

kinda wish this fit in the sidebar

Or you can go search the web for another image if ya want
Or you can even choose to ignore it
Life is all about choices

Am I done now?


  1. You're done. You're right Maths was never my strong point. I have other talents.

  2. The great William Tecumseh Sherman comes to mind. But thank ya, anyhoo.

    And since you asked...

    1. when did you realize you were no longer a child ?
    2. do you think it's necessary to shave every day ?
    3. indoor sports or outdoor sports ?
    4. Memphis, KC, or the Carolinas for barbecue ?
    5. Dinner or Supper ?
    5. Favorite movie ?
    6. Ideal vacation ?

    1. I'm not? Seriously? You've ruined my day!
    2. Hell no.
    3. Indoor.
    4. All of the above.
    5. Dinner. I think "Supper" is a religious painting of note.
    5, Part Deux. Annie Hall
    6. Used t'be a mo'sickle road trip. But I'm permanently on vacation now, so... cigars and beer on the verandah.

    There. We be done now.

  3. WTF? You ass... uredly weren't thinking straight when you tried to include me in this. I will give you another chance. Use it wisely.

  4. I see that I'm in most distinguished company here. But to carry on what Skip started...

    "Oh, the humanity..."

  5. Am sensing a Cranky Boys theme here...what, no chicks? (Lass excepted, of course)

    1. Purely coincidental... really

      I was yanking chains

      That didn't work half as well as I wanted

      You are more than welcome to grab the award and participate... if you want it

  6. Holy Heck, I knowI saw this way back when, how did I not at least thank you?

    Just rude I guess.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?