Saturday, June 29, 2013


you just can't make this up
True story... I think

And then there's this


  1. Is she blonde? I'm just asking.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  2. I'd say something witty about Oregon and brewer's yeast... but NOTHING comes to mind (other than Widmer and Deschutes, both of which put out some really good brews, which is serious stuff).

    1. I had a hefeweizen brewed in Bandon-by-the-Sea that was pretty darn good
      About the only thing I might have considered a drawback was the name, Bogwater

      There was also a top notch cheese factory there.

    2. Bandon was just down the road a piece when I was stationed at North Bend. It's prolly still in the same place, come to think on it, but it used to be a destination for a brief day-out ride on the mo'sickle.

  3. About 10 years ago, a professor from Oregon State did pretty much exactly what you describe, at a Chevron station about 3 blocks from where I was living at the time. Except, instead of a sign, he hit a pump. Which barfed gas all over. Which caught fire. Which brought down the roof/canopy thing over the pumps. Nobody was hurt, thankfully.

    1. I think I remember seeing something about that on the Internet

      Your blog posts are missed

    2. What Ivan said about yer posts, Inno.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?