Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sure Happy It's Thursday

Today's the day we beg for seek reader participation.

A little over a week ago I posted about the funniest thing I ever heard. If you read that post, you will realize that irony really tickles my funny bone... along with a whole lot of other things.

Today what we're looking for is what you find funny.


  1. Obviously there are two answers: an embalmed body on a motorcycle and a Catholic Starter Kit.
    Oh, and I often find your posts very funny ;-)

  2. Catholic Starter Kit reminds of some very bad, so-called jokes that I heard when I was much younger.

  3. Yeah, they really aren't funny, except in a sick way.
    That's not to say that I find Catholic Starter Kit unfunny or sick.

  4. Almost everything can strike me as funny, depending upon my mood, but what always gets me is slapstick, both visual and verbal. And MY WIFE. She's the funniest woman in the world.

  5. Ah, where would we be if it weren't for our spouses... or is it spice?


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?