Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I got another one of those emails. One that said I should forward it to everyone in my address book.
Well, actually it said, "Now I just wonder what would happen in this country if every one of you sent this to every one in your address book."
I will tell you what would happen. All of the email servers in this country would be overtaxed and we'd hear from somebody at Homeland Security that there had been a denial of service attack. That's what would happen.
There are actually some folks out there who believe forwarding that stuff works. How do I know? Because the subject of the email started out, FW: Fwd: Fw: Fw:Fwd: Fw: Fw: and none, or very few, of the forwarders had bothered to even think about deleting any of the previous recipients or forwarders.

I'm beginning to think there's a correlation between how people drive and use email. There are an awful lot of reckless folks on the highways.


  1. I get those ridiculous emails. From my mother, aunt etc. I just click "delete"

  2. Yeah, I get those darn things all the time. My theory is that the folks who forward them don't care enough about the issue to write their own email about it.
    Ooh! And I hear you and agree that there's a correlation between reckless emailing and bad driving.

  3. Truth. I'm amazed at how many e-mails I received telling me that every person who forwarded the e-mail would receive a million dollars from Bill Gates. I took the time to point out, via math, that there wasn't enough money in the damn world to make that possible. Some folks did read my letter back and admit that it made sense to them, so there IS hope!


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?