Monday, January 24, 2011

Sports post

I guess if any team other than the 'niners was going to be in the so-called Super Bowl, I can be relatively happy it is the Green Bay Packers.
Why's that you ask?
Well, it's because the Packers quarterback is like almost a neighbor. He was raised only about 70 miles from here. Up here in the part of the state where I live that is pretty darn close.
Ironically, I wasn't much of a fan of his when Aaron Rodgers was in high school or junior college because his teams were always beating the local teams. But then he went on to Cal (UC Berkeley) so I really learned to appreciate his talents.
I really won't be disappointed if the Packers don't win, though. In fact my response when asked about how I felt about the outcome of any of the playoff games so far has been, "Dilligara."


  1. I'm just glad - overjoyed, actually - that the J-E-T-S were taken down.

  2. I cannot share any enthusiasm for any of the teams that reached the playoffs.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?