Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I gotta ask


Periodically I check the stats for this blog. I like to know just how much traffic there is, from where it's coming, and to what it is attracted.
My question relates to the attraction issue. The post with the most page views by far is from January 28, 2010. It has almost twice as many views the runner up. Even this week it is running 2:1 over the next highest count. What I want to know is what is the attraction of this particular post?

Interesting, too, is that it is titled, So, here's the question -

the all time runner up is Bonus post from July 21 last year
and the weekly runner up is untitled from March 2, this year.

Just write your answer on the back of a $100 bill and mail it to If you have a theory, I really would like to hear it.


  1. I'm betting that a lot of people have seen that picture, and think of it now and then when someone calls someone else a brown noser. Getting reminded of the picture, they probably say something like "Hey, you gotta see this pic, lemme see if I can find it", and they google search for "what is the difference between a brown noser and a shithead"

    You come up as the fourth "Web search" result and the second "Image search" result.

  2. The all time running up is interesting, considering it has no comments... But according to, the term "Enjoy life" gets googled a lot.

    The weekly, I'm sure has something to do with people googling the smoking of dope, Jamaica, and blue birds. ...probably piss off too.

  3. Matt nailed it. It's the image. The most "popular" thing that I've ever put on my blog is a picture of my Netbook with a mean face drawn on it. If you google images for "Netbook is Evil"...I'M NUMBER ONE!!! WHOOHOO!

    I don't get it either.

  4. Ah, so!

    I wonder what would happen if we posted a brown-nosin' bluebird of happiness?


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?