Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hey Sully?

Go read this.
Maybe the folks in Middleborough, MA should consider adding mispronunciation to their list of crimes?


  1. Yeah, I tried to obey your orders, but no go. Help!

  2. Yes, those are good. I have to admit to having always said "sher-bert", and I still do, but it has yet to come up in a script I've voiced, Thank God.

    (You have no idea how long it took me to train myself out of certain regional pronunciations. I grew up saying "hahf" instead of "haff" [half], and "bahth" instead of "bath". Thus, the reference to "can't" in my piece, which sounds very close to an uncouth word for a woman's sexual apparatus when spoken in a certain Boston accent.)

  3. What's-his-face left out my favorite: "Did I AXE you?", which has nothing to do with chopping.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?