Saturday, March 9, 2013

I wanna start something

That's only one thing that's wrong


  1. If it wasn't for God, who would Atheists not believe in?

  2. I've always wondered if there's just ONE heaven (with different neighborhoods) or if there are many. It's a moot point for us Buddhists, coz we gotta keep doin' it over until we get it right, at which time there's NIRVANA. I think that's different than heaven, but I'm no theologian.

    1. Buck, I kinda wonder if Einstein wasn't thinking of the Buddhists when he came up with his definition of insanity?

    2. Well, Buddhism presupposes that you learn from previous lives and get better each and every time. That doesn't account for people like me, of course.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?

Robin gifted me this

...and this, too!

Robyn gifted me this

Apryl presented this one


from Uncle Skip

An award

An award
From A Daft Scots Lass

" magnificent ba$tard!"

" magnificent ba$tard!"
from Ol' AF Sarge

Put it back where it started!!!

copy this

copy this
stick it anywhere

set things right