Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sure Happy It's Thursday


Some bloggers are able to explain in detail how they have nothing to post. They are able to scribble [sic] as many as three or four paragraphs. On the other hand yours truly can barely come up with three sentences.



  1. Ah, the ability to converse with no subject matter available. Not sure if that would be called a gift or a curse...

    Ironically, it's an interested subject to discuss.

  2. I suppose if I were into improvisation, I would welcome it as a gift. If I were an undertaker, my employer would probably consider it a curse.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?

Robin gifted me this

...and this, too!

Robyn gifted me this

Apryl presented this one


from Uncle Skip

An award

An award
From A Daft Scots Lass

" magnificent ba$tard!"

" magnificent ba$tard!"
from Ol' AF Sarge

Put it back where it started!!!

copy this

copy this
stick it anywhere

set things right