Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Labor Day celebration

Local Media (newspaper website)

Talk about your empty chair

National Media (NPR)


  1. "Empty Chair Day" went over VERY well, from what I read.

  2. I see Wanda has found a new way to display furniture from her store.

  3. In PROTEST of Labor Day??? What, they're pissed that folks got the day off?

  4. The protest, subtle as it is, is about the lack of real jobs. The buildings across the highway used to be occupied by a major employer (about 600 employees making upwards of $30/hr). Now there are about six companies using less than half of the space to employ maybe 40 people, tops (at $12 or less), and the work is seasonal at best.
    What's sad is the two largest private employers in the area are hospitals. The overall largest, now, is government (feds, state, county [going broke], and cities [also short on funds]), who're cutting back, too.


Go ahead.
I dare ya!

who you callin' a goat head?

Robin gifted me this

...and this, too!

Robyn gifted me this

Apryl presented this one


from Uncle Skip

An award

An award
From A Daft Scots Lass

" magnificent ba$tard!"

" magnificent ba$tard!"
from Ol' AF Sarge

Put it back where it started!!!

copy this

copy this
stick it anywhere

set things right