Okay, we had the moment of silence that I think was entirely appropriate ...if a little late
Now let's concern ourselves with what the NCAA Commissioner's done
First off, I in no way, shape, or form condone any of what happened at Penn State
But, to my way of thinking, it appears the claw end of a framing hammer has been used to nail down the situation
An excavator's been used instead of a hand trowel
The culture of the NCAA Large Schools created the environment where this situation arose and the school's administrators stuck their heads in the sand to protect themselves so they could seek the prize
The prize is the National Championship, the opportunity to play in the BCS ...the freakin' money
So who's really being punished by the NCAA? Not the folks who're responsible
Mostly it's the young folks who bust their tails and help make the money the schools are coveting
Oh sure, they can transfer without penalty
Who're they kidding?
Is the NCAA making room for those kids on other campuses?
I ultimately blame the NCAA because they hijacked the fun the students were having to make money for the schools
The NCAA is embarrassed so they coerce a school, which richly deserved some punishment, into accepting a terrible fate from which it may never recover
Are they going to investigate to see if any similar incidents occurred at any other schools? No, they're gonna hope that if it did happen, nobody'll step forward and report it
Are they gonna eliminate the incentives that make such cover up attempts tempting? No, they're gonna increase the number of BCS games
Effin hypocrites
Just remember when you point a finger at someone, there are three more pointing back at you
So ask, "What's my part in this?" Then act appropriately