Lookit what our so-called government representatives have actually accomplished
First, ask yourself what the date is
Okay, it's the 14th of October, a Monday
There's your first clue something's up
Monday, that is
Many, many memorable events took place on this date
What are we celebrating?
Columbus Day
The man who conned the King and Queen of Spain into financing a number of misguided expeditions ...he was lost, folks... was born on October 12
Yeah, he made a discovery
He just didn't know what it was
On top of that, his discovery helped wipe out whole civilizations on two continents
But that's not my complaint
It's how the maroons in DC can't do what they're supposed to do
But they can fart around with the calendar and foist faux holidays on us
I'm not sayin' don't acknowledge the lost Italian
Just do it right
They've made it more about a day off, which more people than not ignore, than about an event
The folks who do take the day off don't have anyplace to visit because all the really neat places are run by the Feds who've closed them, or they're like Legoland, which is too expensive
In another couple of weeks the clocks get messed with
I'm pretty sure daylight savings has outlived its usefullness
What is it about so-called representatives that makes them think they have to leave some kind of legacy?
They should open the eyes and see the legacy left by others
And they should open their freakin' ears and listen to the folks who elect them ...not the folks who paid them to run
They have to stop trying to be lawmakers
They really need to clean up their mess and the messes left by their predecessors
Buck like to say, "
I say, "
Get off your phone!"
Go read
Then think about all the folks you know to whom this applies
Did anyone see the Patriots and Red Sox dismantle their opponents at the last minute yesterday?
That was kinda fun for some, not so much for others
Hey! I had to lighten up a little